
You know what I’m fucking done with this asshole I tried so fucking hard to make shit work but all he’s giving me are brick walls & I’m done trying to break through them. This bitch could of had it all with me I would have caught a grenade for this douche bag, all he had to do was TRY just fucking TRY like is it really that hard to answer ur mf texts ??? I wasted so much energy on this guy, so many sleepless night I went through, night after night just thinking of better ways to make things work between us yet no response from him, one day hes going to wake up and realize he let go of a fucking QUEEN to chase around these little PEASANTS.

New year new me

So this year I’ve decided to get a boyfriend. It may seem like an easy thing for you “normal people” but for someone like me, getting a boyfriend is as common seeing unicorns walking down the streets. This is why this year my New Years resolution is to get a boyfriend that will love me for me not because we had sex or some other crazy shit guys my age like -.- but because he finds me beautiful and can’t stand the idea of being without me…. I mean is that too Much to ask for?

Wishful thinking

“They say be careful what you wish for because you just might get it” well let me think I wish I became rich and famous, then sooner than later move to LA, got plastic surgery on my disgusting obese stomach, got my nose redone, then I’d go to a clippers game, meet Blake Griffin, fall deeply in love with each other, get married then later have 3 beautiful kids together and live happily ever after …. but until then I have to live with this curse called REALITY and keep reminding myself that suicide is not the answer to this depression called “my life”

The Irony Called Life

Why is it that EVERY single time I go outside looking my shittiest is the day that a heavenly male creature from heaven decides to come out of his hiding place and make an appearance. Like the rare days I look decent enough and not like my usual beat up gorilla self there’s absolutely shit not that I’m even looking for anything with my shitty depressing life. But the ONE day I look the worst is when a Zeus God decides to show his face. Like seriously what kind of twisted humor is this?

I’m tired

I’m tired of always trying to please everyone, I’m tired of disappointing my parents, I’m tired of people telling me its going to be ok, I’m tired of not being happy, I’m tired of living in the delusion I live in, I’m tired of having this big lump in my chest that makes me want to cry everyday, I’m tired of always having to explain myself, I’m tired of lying about my feelings, I’m tired of pretending to be happy, I’m tired of always feeling bad about myself, I’m tired of going to school, I’m tired of being depressed so much, I’m tired of disappointing myself,  I’m tired of loneliness, I’m tired of crying all the time, I’m tired of wishing for a better tomorrow, I’m tired of my part time job, I’m tired of having no friends, I’m tired of being tired, I’m tired of waiting for my life to change, but most of all, I’m tired of lying to myself

Facebook Messages


I hate it when I give advice to depressed ass bitches on facebook and they have the nerves to read my inbox and not reply like ok bitch see if I ever reply to your inbox’s ever again, i’ll let you drown in your “depression” . What pisses me off the most is that a lot of the time, the advice I give is actually very helpful if you’re mentally stable. Let’s take today for example, my friend was depressed about always being alone at home, talking about ” I think i’m depressed because i’m always home alone, I have no friends and I never go out” so me being the amazing friend that I am told her in these exact words “Bitch stop being sucha baby and go out, everyone goes through that shit at some point you just gotta move one, if you’re that desperate then go out, make new friends, go to all ages clubs(shes not legal) or you could do what the rest of us do and just suck it up” the bitch took it the wrong way read my inbox and never replied like okkkkkkkyyyy…. don’t take my advice and continue to be depressed but don’t say i never tried.  Another thing that pisses me off is people who open your inbox, read it and then have the nerves to mark the inbox as “unread” like bitch i’m not dumb I’ve already seen the “seen” sign your just an idiot.